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Fabric Collage

The Flowering Of The Buddha Mind, Fabric Collage, 5' x 4', 2010

Flowering Of The Buddha Mind

Handmade Paper Landscapes

Sunrise, HMP, 40" x 30", 2001

My Autumn Leaves
Handmade Paper/Pulp Painting 
is in the permanent collection of the 
The Metropolitan Museum of Art,
Thomas J. Watson Library 


Sunrise, HMP, 40" x 30", 2001


Artists Altered Books
The Bookworm

Tree of Life, Chesed, Detail, Fabric Collage Collaboration, 36" x 36", 2006

Artists Altered Books
Our House Is On Fire.

Tree of Life, Chesed, Detail, Fabric Collage Collaboration, 36" x 36", 2006


Faith Quilt Project
The Art of the Spirit: Stitching Together, A Community
Tree of Life, Chesed, Detail, Fabric Collage Collaboration, 36" x 36", 2006

Tree of Life, Chesed

American Museum of Papermaking

Solo Show Retrospective


Award: Worcester Art Museum Grant 2005
Francis F Kinnicutt Award for Artists Travel Study:
Traditional Papermaking Techniques in Central Mexico


June 2023

Climate Crisis, Speech at Bunker Hill Community College's Tell Magazine issue themed 'Escape'
Bunker Hill Community College

Click here for Video

Appalachian Mt Club, Appalachia Journal

Summer/Fall 2023, Pg 147

Skyline Sketch:
Getting Lost at Lonesome Lake
Essay:  Take A Hike!

Click here to see the Article

Hand Papermaking Magazine, Winter, 2006 Material into Content: Pulp Painting Today. featured in article about Pulp Painting and Pulp Painting Portfolio

International Association of Hand Papermakers and Paper Artists (IAPMA), Autumn, 2006. Traditional Papermaking Techniques in Mexico, Travel and Study Grant Article

Hand Papermaking Magazine Portfolio The Art of Pulp Painting: Original Artwork of 18 International Pulp Painters
Handbound Boxed, Limited Edition
Order from:

YouTube Videos
Channel @BeverlySkyBoston

Microcosm >< Macrocosm: We Are Stardust

Jewish Arts Collaborative Interview

Fenway Studios and Fenway Gallery Interview ABC, WCVB-TV

Art About Interview:
Papermaking Process in my Studio
Massachusetts Cultural Council and
Somerville Arts Council

HGTV Hand Papermaking Techniques

The Certain Journey: Aging Parents Art Installation

Brickbottom Artists Gallery, Somerville, MA

Arts Matter Interview: Boston Center for The Arts

Working In My Studio in San Miguel de Allende
Title: What We Do for Love, Fiber Art
Videographer: Andrew Klein

Newbridge On the Charles: Interfaith Chapel Design


April 27 2024

The Bookworm
Altered Artist Book
and the 
Allegory of Evil
Click to View>>

Bookworm Altered Artist Book

April 2024

Our House Is On Fire: Ode To Greta Thunberg
Handmade paper artist book on video

Our House is on Fire

August 6 - 27, 2023

Galatea Fine Art: Juried Group Show
SOWA Fiber Arts
460B Harrison Ave, Boston, MA


Carp E Diem Pond,
Fabric Collage on Canvas
36" x 36"

June 2023

Climate Crisis, Speech at Bunker Hill Community College's Tell Magazine issue themed 'Escape'
Bunker Hill Community College

Click here for Video

March, 2023

Tres Mujeres: Group Members Show
Galeria Blue Moon
San Miguel De Allende, Mexico

Everything Is Surreal In Mexico,
Fabric Collage on canvas, 24" x 24"

January 5 - April 18, 2023

The Metropolitan Museum of Art
Thomas J. Watson Library Exhibition
Decorated Paper: A Selection of Publications
My Pulp Painting, Autumn Leaves is in the
permanent collection and has been chosen
as the Marquee art for the exhibition announcement.
A selection of treasures from the library’s collection
that teach us about contemporary and historical
decorated paper methods. What is apparent in the
library’s paper arts collection is a love of making
ornamented paper and the joy of sharing it.
Decorated paper, in all its variations, lifts spirits,
enlightens, and imparts a sense of magic.

Click here for Museum Link

Feb. 2 - Mar. 18, 2023

Interconnected: I'm thrilled to be in this juried exhibition celebrating fiber arts at the
Mary Cosgrove Dolphin Gallery,
Worcester State University

Click here for Newsletter

January 2023

Artist news
Massachusetts Cultural Council (MCC)
Brief Update on Cultural Sector Recovery Grants

Click here for Update

January 2023

Massachusetts Cultural Council (MCC)
ArtSake monthly newsletter Studio-Views, lead artist link

Click here for Newsletter

Sept. 17, 2022
Fenway Gallery Logo
Clip on Fenway Studios and Fenway Gallery for Artists Neighborhood on ABC WCVB5 -TV

Click for the Video>>

July 14, 2022
From Dark to Light:
BAA Members' Summer Exhibition
July 14-August 20, 2022
Eyes of the Beholders
Click for the Flyer>>

June. 10, 2022

Beverly Sky Live JArts (Jewish Arts Collaborative) Interview
about her Jewish Design and Creative work with Laura Mandel
Friday, June 10 at 12 Noon EST

June 1, 2022

The Breisheet Bimah Cover
As the Creative Director of this community project at
Temple Beth Zion I am pleased to post this video of the
installation celebration at Temple Beth Ziion, TBZ in Brookline, MA
on Wednesday June 1, 2022 of the Breisheet Bimah Cover.
Kudos to the five stitchers and creators who I was privileged to work with
Meryl Finkel, Beth Harris, Susan Schnur, Naomi Ribner and Lauren Garlick!
The Hebrew Alphabet Prayer Flags for the Torah Reading Table in colors of the Rainbow spectrum on silk.

      See Photo Here>>

      See Article Here>>


      See Article Here>>

Apr. 26, 2022

"LokkaL article"
"My Mexian Adventure"

      See Article Here>>
My Mexican Adventure Ghost Town Fiesta

Apr. 22, 2022

"Poet Ellen Bass Quote"

"Beverly’s artworks are a prayer of praise, a way of being in gratitude for each amazing place on earth. At a time when our earth is in peril, and the environment is threatened, Beverly continues to pay attention to the exquisite land that is still here. And to remind us of how precious it is."

      See Quote and Photo Here>>

Apr. 22, 2022 Earthday

"LokkaL article"
"My Mexian Adventure"

      See Article Here>>

Apr. 15, 2022

"Cathedral of the Otomi"
"Fabric collage on canvas
      See Photo Here>>

March 9, 2022

"Ghost Town Fiesta"
"Fabric collage on canvas
      See Photo Here>>

Feb. 14 - Apr. 15, 2022
Galeria Blue Moon
San Miguel de Allende, Mexico
Eros | Erotika Group Show
      See Flyer & Photos Here>>

 Galeria Blue Moon Feb2022

November 19, 2021
Art in the Time of Covid Series:
Shredded Shrouds:
"How Do We Mourn"
"Days of The Dead"
Two Fiber Art Installations
      See Flyer & Photos Here>>
 Galeria Blue Moon Nov. 2021

October 26, 2021 at 6PM.
I will be teaching Fabric Collage at the Spoke Gallery in South Boston, on Tuesday October 26 at 6PM. All supplies will be provided and your 16" x 16" square will become part of Medicine Wheels "A Day Without Art” honoring those who have died from Aids, Covid, Addiction and Racism. This installation will be installed at the Cyclorama, Boston Center for the Arts on World Aids Day December 1, 2021      See Flyer Here>>

See Beverly's 3 Touched Works here>>

July 22, 2021 
Fenway Studios Expands with Affordable studio, gallery space <See Article Here>

July 5 thru August 30, 2019
ARTiculations: Three Artists, Three Mediums

Curated by Beverly Sky
FPAC Assemblage Gallery
70 Sleeper Street, Boston, MA 02210
Microcosm><Macrocosm Video

Also, see these other 2 pieces at the Showing


Here's Looking at You Scott Kelly in the  International Space Station,
Fabric Collage on Canvas, 54h" x 36w"

Leeuwenhoek, Vermeer, Galileo:
Leeuwenhoek, Vermeer, Galileo:
Viewing Reality Through a Lens
Fabric Collage on Canvas, 24h" x 48w"

Articulations Flyer:

Published on May 1, 2019

BEVERLY SKY: Hecho en Mexico | Made in Mexico
Collage en Tela | Fabric Collage by Beverly Sky
ISSU Publication

Mar. 20 thru Apr. 22 2018

Galeria Nuvo

SUN. MAR.25, 1-5 PM

Dec. 15, 2017
Temple Shalom and The Open Your Eyes Committee commissioned me to design and produce a new Torah Mantle for the Yellin/Brant Torah pictured above. Needlepoint Design was stitched by Deborah G. Davidson
Stitching of Mantle cover by Julie Vician

Artist Statement <<<Click

Aug. 24, 2017
What You Are Looking For Is What Is Looking:
Homage to St. Augustine and Magritte, Fabric collage on canvas, 36" x 36", Cotton canvas, silk, silk organza
Mills Gallery “Real/Ideal:
Turning Utopia into Reality”
Article by: Cate McQuaid

Boston Globe

July 27, 2017
Bay State Banner

Mills Gallery “Real/Ideal:
Turning Utopia into Reality”
Article by: Celina Colby

July 20 thru Sept, 20, 2017
Boston Center for the Arts
Mills Gallery “Real/Ideal:
Turning Utopia into Reality”
Fabric Collage Display by: BeverlySky

Jan. 11, 2017
Lilith Literary Magazine

Winter 2016/2017
Remnants: Piecing Together The Stories; A Holocaust Memoir

Oct. 23 - Dec. 4, 2014
Fort Point Arts Community Gallery
Featured Artists:
Beverly Sky / Mario Kon
"Two Artistic Approaches"

Boston Globe Review

Beverly Sky Interview: Arts Matter October 2014 -Video


April 2013
Fort Point Art Basin Public Art Installation: Night Blooming Day Lilies, Juried Installation

Night Blooming Day Lilies

March - May, 2013
La Galeria, Villa Victoria Center for the Arts, Mujeres: Alchemical Connection, Juried Show

February, 2013
Mills Gallery, Boston Center For The Arts, Process Goes Public.
Created in the Mills Gallery as part of show featuring artistic process, a nine canvas fabric collage series
titled: We Shall Not Cease from Exploration: Windows On The Universe

Evolution the Sands of Time

November 2012 - April 2013
Commission for Public Art Installation titled "Night Blooming Day Lilies" in the
Fort Point Art Basin, Juried Competition.

September - December 2011
Thompson Gallery, Strange Glue: Collage@100, Juried Show, Weston, MA

May - June, 2011
Galeria Cazares: Festival of Contemporary Art, San Miguel de Allende, Mexico

Fabric Collage on Canvas, Triptych, 4ft x 10ft x 2

Antes Y Despues De Cortez: A Brief History of Mexico

Antes de Cortez: The Flower People (Nahuatl)

Juan Diego Spills The Roses: Fall Of The Aztec Empire, Death And Revelation

Juan Diego Spills The Roses: Fall Of The Aztec Empire, Death And Revelation

Despues de Cortez: The Colonial Period and Rise Of Christianity

Despues de Cortez: The Colonial Period and Rise Of Christianity

April - May, 2011
OKU Gallery: Small Works, United South End Artists Show, Boston, MA

May - June, 2011
Feasts, Artists Book Show, Brickbottom Artist Gallery, Somerville, MA

January - February, 2011
Surface Design Association, New England Juried show, Artworks Gallery, New Bedford, MA


Artist Statement
“Art is a way of accessing a symbolic vocabulary from the deep parts of ourselves that go beyond words and to touch others in that same place.”
_ Chuck Close

Holocaust Artwork

Piecing Together The Stories

By Beverly Sky

This is a memoir about my mother and her family’s experiences
before and after the Holocaust of WWII.
I have been working on this project for the last sixteen years
with the support of The Joiner Institute for the Study of War and
Social Consequences at UMass Boston and my writing teacher and
generous mentor Lady Borton (
If you would like a copy of this memoir? Please email for Permissions. >>email

The Odysseus Project:
Veterans and Artists Respond to the Social
Consequences of War


The Certain Journey Video>



Commissioned Work

Sacred Spaces for Spiritual Communities
Newbridge On The Charles
Interfaith Chapel
Main Synagogue
Hebrew Senior Life
Rashi School

Click to see Slideshow

Interfaith Chapel at Newbridge on the Charles, Skylight sculpture, 2010

Alexander Technique

Certified Teacher of the Alexander Technique
I teach Alexander Technique...

Reiki Practitioner

Certified Reiki Practitioner...

Performance Art

Cofounder of the 'Over The Hill Dance Company'

Beverly Sky © 2000 - 2014. All Rights Reserved